Yesterday I flew back home from the holidays. The time difference between my two homes is only three hours but couple that with a flight that leaves the East Coast at 6 am and I usually end up a bit zombified by night time. I thought since I had slept two hours on the plane I could skip my usual nap but that left me with burnt sweet potato fries (tossed with cumin), an argument with my smoke detector and about a litre of water on the kitchen counter. Suffice to say, no posts are going up as a result of that disastrous meal but I will attempt it again soon with more shut eye under my belt.
Stay tuned for baked asparagus with a soy/balsamic sauce, cumin-spiced sweet potato fries, and orange-glazed chicken thighs. While they were all delicious they were a bit too haggard to photograph and recommend.
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